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Did you know that search engines generate on average more than 50% of website traffic? Being well positioned in Google is no longer an option, it becomes a necessity!

Because almost 94% of Internet users do not go beyond the first page of Google results!

So, if your website is on the first page on a specific expression, be sure that you receive more clicks than your competitor who is on the second page for the same expression. Having more clicks automatically leads to more traffic to your site, which means more customers and therefore more money. Be aware that it is almost impossible to be visible in natural search engine results without having optimized your website.


1. Choose the right keywords

Optimizing your SEO requires defining, beforehand, a list of keywords or expressions on which you want to position yourself in search engines. Choose your keywords according to your target and your objectives, these are the ones that define your activity. As a result, you can use the Google Keyword Planner to find out the number of searches for a keyword and the different combinations of expressions associated with it.

Once you have selected your keywords, you should use them in your content, your titles, your meta tags, your urls ... The goal is for Google to identify that your site highlights one or more keywords.

2. Offer quality content

The quality of the content of your website is at the heart of SEO optimization. Content includes editable text, photos, and videos for the user. It must be indexed and "understood" by robots to be properly positioned on the engine results pages.

Make sure you offer unique and relevant content for your visitors as well to encourage them to return to your pages. The motto is to write for internet users and search engines.

3. Prioritize your content

In a web page, the titles and the subtitles are indicated by tags h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. Classifying and prioritizing content has two goals: to help readers better understand what they are going to read and to tell Google the most important information. A title h1 should therefore summarize the general subject of your page, as for a title h6, it is supposed to summarize a very detailed part of your subject. These tags allow you to bring a notion of value to each of your titles. 4. external links

For Google, the popularity of a page lets you know its relevance. The more popular a page is, the more it will increase in search results. In order to improve your popularity index, you need to have as many quality external links as possible that point to your site. This is the Off-Site part of SEO. You should prioritize the relevance and quality of the links that point to your site rather than the number. So avoid, the links coming from dubious sites, little known or which propose illegal contents.

5. Internal mesh

An important component of natural referencing, internal networking defines how your pages are linked to each other. It is important for your visitors to make it easier for them to navigate from one page to another by inserting links to other pages of the site. It also makes it easier for Google robots to index and analyze your web pages efficiently and quickly.

Internal networking therefore has a dual function: improving your SEO and improving the user experience.

6. Optimize the URL of your pages

The content of the URLs of your pages is important for both Internet users and search engines. Indeed, this content makes it possible to describe the theme of your pages and therefore indicate the keywords on which each page is optimized.

7. Meta title and Meta description tags

Of all the criteria in Google’s SEO algorithm, the title tag is probably one of the most important. Each page has a title tag which must be filled in carefully. Having the right to only 60 characters for the title, it is better to get straight to the point by being concise and convincing. This is what the user will see first and this is what will make them want to click or not.

The meta description tag has a lesser impact on your SEO, but remains a tag taken into account by Google and especially whose content is visible to the user. It represents the text found below the title on the search results. Google displays 160 characters maximum for the description which must be selling! Enter your keywords and make the user want to know more about your page.

8. Name your photos

As mentioned above, Google only reads text content. He cannot see the contents of the images. The solution ? Name your photos, give them a title. In this way Google will be able to "understand" your images and thus index them in Google Images.

9. Create a Sitemap

A sitemap file is a file that groups all the URLs of your website, it prevents robots from leaving out or forgetting certain pages. Let’s be clear, a sitemap does not improve natural referencing but greatly facilitates and promotes the indexing of your pages. And isn't indexing the first step to successful SEO?

10. Create a blog

Creating a blog has many advantages for your SEO. Publishing articles will allow you to improve the natural referencing of your website. It’s an effective way to produce content frequently, and that Google loves.

If your articles are interesting, you can be quoted by other sites or blogs, and thus get more links to your blog. These links are part of the criteria that Google takes into account in its ranking of sites.

Is your blog informative? So take care of your content, offer articles with obvious added value in order to bring in as many prospects as possible. The goal will be to eventually transform these Internet users into customers!

A blog well fed with content, can quickly become your first source of audience, do not deprive yourself!

Mavenup Creatives provide best services of SEO, for details you can visit our website.

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